WAB is a certified cluster management excellence organization certified with go-cluster Silver-Label
During the year 2020 WAB was successfully recertified with the go-cluster SiIver-Label, which is issued by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative. Against this background WAB has demonstrated again, that the implemented processes and organizational concept and cluster management instruments are fully feasible and committed to the WAB members.
The certification process is conducted by the European Secretary for Cluster Analysis in cooperation with the excellence program "go-cluster" arranged by German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.
The funded project „WAB Innovationscluster – Clustermanagement Exzellenz Gold – GROW-Programm“
The project „WAB Innovationscluster – Clustermanagement Exzellenz Gold – GROW-Programm“ is funded by the framework PFAU (Programm zur Förderung anwendungsnaher Umwelttechniken) with support by the EFRE framework and of the Federal State Bremen – Senatorin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Mobilität Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsbau – of under the following reference numbers AZ: 50801-ZB | GKZ: 989/PFAU-IC-1/2020-ZB. This project is the nucleus and thus closely linked to the newly established WAB working group „INNOVATION“.
WAB Innovation Cluster – The GROW Concept

Baseline! Conceptual Framework and Content!
The aim of the project is to create high visibility – on regional, national and international level – and the same time to point out the importance in terms of competencies as well as sustainable economic development of the energy systems transition in Germany with potential directions of strong development of the Metropolregion NORDWEST in the context of Germany and worldwide.
Furthermore the project is dedicated to promote and establish Bremen and Bremerhaven as „Center of Excellence“ for wind energy in combination with production and utilization of „green hydrogen“ on international level.
The methodological excellence of the concept „Collaborative Innovation“ is essential part of the GROW project framework to be developed in details and will finally be an essential building block to enhance the portfolio of offerings of the WAB to the WAB members, in terms of „Value Added Services“.
With the strong focus on „Collaborative Innovation and New Business“ for the current and potential new, industrial WAB members along the wind energy supply chain, WAB strives to shape strong, beneficial cooperation for its members on German, European and international markets.
Technical Risks and Challenges!
The „product“ and scope of this project will be the combination of industrial network, cluster organization and „think tank“ concepts, which is quite unique.
The baseline is, that the „Collaborative Innovation“ launched and generated outgoing from a industrial network and cluster organization, based on cooperation of complementary portfolios of the industrial WAB members, with the aim to commonly accomplish economic, sustainable solutions for a market, will lead in the big picture and wider context to better solutions to existing or even unlocking new markets, as “stand alone” solutions introduced by just one company only.
Scientifically speaking this concept is known as „Coopetition“.
The conceptional framework and the combination of methodological excellence, industrial network/cluster, sustainability and economic development is quite unique in European context and it will need a significant will to change and change support in terms of cooperation and close collaboration of all relevant stakeholders to finally achieve a win-win-situation.
Cooperation and collaboration is no end in itself, but in the big picture, will lead to better economic results for all collaboration Partners!