The two transmission system operators want to investigate the construction of a hybrid interconnector with the integration of offshore wind energy. As a basis for this, they will calculate and analyze joint energy scenarios.
So-called hybrid interconnectors not only connect two countries directly with each other, they also link offshore wind farms. This allows wind energy to be flexibly integrated into the European electricity system and increases capacities for international electricity exchange. "A hybrid interconnector between the two countries could be a further and important milestone in achieving the climate targets in Europe and making better use of the wind energy potential of the North Sea. With the MoU, we are laying an important foundation for this," says Dr. Hendrik Neumann, CTO of Amprion GmbH.
The North Sea: Europe's green power plant
In May 2022, the Norwegian government announced that it would designate areas for 30 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2040. The German government's expansion targets envisage increasing the installed capacity of offshore wind energy to at least 30 gigawatts by 2030 and at least 70 gigawatts by 2045. Connecting the two countries via a hybrid interconnector would be a key element in further networking offshore power generation and turning the North Sea into Europe's "green power plant". At the same time, such a project would strengthen system stability in Europe.
Please contact us if you have any questions:
Tobias Burgholz
Press Officer
T +49 231 5849-13785, M + 49 173 4652396
E-Mail: tobias.burgholz @
Amprion GmbH is one of four transmission system operators in Germany. Our 11,000-kilometre extra-high voltage grid transports electricity in an area from the North Sea to the Alps. Around a third of Germany’s economic output is generated there. Our power lines are lifelines of society: They secure jobs and quality of life for 29 million people. We keep the network stable and safe – and prepare the way for a climate-compatible energy system by expanding our network. Around 2,300 employees in Dortmund and at more than 30 other sites help make sure the lights never go out. We also perform overarching operations for integrated grid systems in Germany and Europe.