Werover GmbH


Werover provides robotics , IoT and AI solutions for the predictive maintainance of renewable energy and underwater assets.


Windrover IoT enables continuous health monitoring and predictive maintenance of the wind turbines by classifying the data received from the acoustic and/or vibration sensors placed on the wind turbine blades, our algorithm processes the data and enables early damage detection. The system provides a risk planning tool, extends the life of wind turbine blades and reduces blade maintenance costs of wind turbine manufacturers, service providers and energy companies.

Windrover enables detecting the damages in the early phases in order to provide a risk planning and asset management analysis and to prevent damages to become more costly, by acting in the early phase of damages.

The Observer ROV series, are remotely operated robotics systems for underwater inspection of underwater assets such as offshore wind turbines, floating wind turbines and offshore platforms. Observer ROVs are capable of tunnel profiling and has the longest tunnel inspection range in Europe, is produced with a depth capacity of 600 meters and a tunnel inspection range of 7 km, we provide detailed analysis and reporting for industrial tasks such as underwater pipelines, tunnels, offshore platforms and underwater constructions in a short time. Logistics; carried out with the operators and staff of the company. Energy efficiency is increased by providing 3D mapping software, image processing, detailed analysis and reporting services of underwater structures for early detection of corrosion, pollution, cracks and damages for industrial tasks such as underwater structures inspection, research and maintenance.

Werover GmbH

Werover GmbH
Hermann-Köhl-Str. 7, 28199 Bremen

E-Mail: ilkyaz.koca@searover.com.tr
Web: www.searover.com.tr